
Opening New Doors


“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious 

and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” 

- Walt Disney


 In the beginning of this year, I promised myself to embrace the unknown, to not let fear hinder me, to follow my heart. And I did. This year was a very exciting one. It was a year of not knowing, a year of changes, a year of accepting what was coming my way. This year I realized, more than ever, that peace and fulfilment don’t depend on outer circumstances, I have to find them in myself. Early this year I started to do yoga and meditation every day, I spent a lot of time in nature and I started to feel the calmest I ever did, the most comfortable I ever did. It feels to me like I’ve come home to myself. I now know that it doesn’t really matter who or where I am, it doesn’t matter how much I accomplish, but what really matters is that I am.

Taking the time to tune into myself, to be present is the greatest gift I could give myself. And now I’m looking forward to a new year, to a year of being present, a year of holding space for others and a year of once again embracing the unknown. 


I encourage you to welcome new experiences, open doors you’ve never opened before. Allow yourself to let go of old habits, to cleanse yourself, to be open again. Don’t imprison yourself in fear and habits. Let possible threats become new adventures, an opportunity to learn and grow. Life is a gift and I enjoy it with all my heart. I hope you do, too. 


Michaela Jung-Vogelwiesche

Fine Art Photography

 © 2024 Michaela Jung-Vogelwiesche | All rights reserved